I got a new scholarship from Hunan Provincial Educational Dept.
(singkatnya, the scholarship I got before is from the university, cuma sekolah daftarin gua sbg kandidat penerima beasiswa dari pemerintah provinsi Hunan. Jadi beasiswa yang sekolah dicabut dan diganti dengan beasiswa pemerintah 专门 untuk foreign student).
I thank you and I praise Your name. 又是一个没想到的事情。ga pernah kepikiran buat dapet beasiswa laen apalagi uang kaget. hehehe..
setelah dapet uang kaget itu, gua langsung tuinkkk inget Kol 3: 23.
“Karena apapun yang kamu lakukan, lakukanlah itu sepenuh hati
seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan
untuk manusia,
Dialah kau mendapat upahmu, bukan dari manusia.
Kristuslah yang
kamu layani”
may be your task, work at it heartily (from the
as [something done] for the Lord and not
for men.
Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord
[and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance
which is your [real] reward.
One Whom] you are actually serving
[is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah).” (AMP)
terus kita jadi becanda2... oh ya ya, uda lunas berarti ya.. Tuhan uda bayarin.. hahaha..
Setelah merenung2... I feel like he really wants to show me that he rewards me.
我都没报名呢。tapi orang lain yang daftarin, tanpa gua minta bahkan tau. Klo bukan krn ini ada dlm rencananya bapa, gmn caranya coba?
Not that I’m saying I have the right for it, ga lah, even being here has already been a blessing for me. To be chosen as his servant has been a big honor for me. I don’t need anything else, it’s my due, my task. My reward is up there.
Moreover yah, mengingat2 masa2 di lab taon lalu... Lord, I don't think I deserve it 呢。I don’t always work heartily, I complain a lot. And sometimes I grumble. Masa-masa gagal2nya ngerjain ekstraksi DNA, DGGE. Laoshi yang nyuruh2 terus, 很高要求。有时候觉得很讨厌做实验。哪里还能天天想事事都为上帝做呢?kalo lagi eling aja mikir, apapun spt utk Tuhan.. Wew!
But yet......sertifikat uda di tangan. ga mungkin juga donk gua tolak..
I guess, that is what grace is. I get what I don’t deserve.
:’( :’)
Lord.., I’m
Thank You for keep training me_
Thank You for keep training me_
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