About Me

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stubborn, independent, self-centered, but saved by grace

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pasir Panjang Beach, Singkawang, MUST visit!!

Having a chance to visit West Borneo, we didn't miss the chance to enjoy Pantai Pasir Panjang  (Long Sand beach) in Singkawang.
Every people knew that we're going to Pontianak and Singkawang all said that we should not miss the beach....and its hill... :-)
We were thankful for our brother and sisters, Mr. Lucas, Mrs. Christin and Wisda who warmly hosted us and drove us to Rindu Alam hill and Pasir Panjang beach. We only had 2 hours in the morning to visit all the places as well as having breakfast. Applause for Singkawang's traffic and road.
And the beach......is....beautiful... They have more 'cotton' clouds than people there :-D
Warm day...
Blue sky...
Green blue sea...
Yellow sand...
Praise Abba!
Singkawang derives from its Chinese name,
山口洋, shan kou yang. Shan 山 is mountain, as we can see on our right hand. kou 口 is mouth, the shape of the area. Yang 洋 is the ocean.
amazing place, must go! (^_^)Y
How to get there?
Jakarta to Pontianak flight 1.5 h by Garuda. And then take taxi travel to Singkawang for 70.000Rp. Singkawang is 3 h driving diatance from Pontianak.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Manusia itu sangat bobrok ternyata. Hati dan motivasinya kadang tersembunyi, namun apabila kita cek, really we are helpless broken and wretched before God. Bahkan ketika kita awal mau ikut Tuhan aja kita ga punya kok kesadaran penuh bahwa kita ini berdosa, mau mengasihi Tuhan dan bertobat, rindu melayani dan mengikut Tuhan (at least for me). Ga ada kalau kaya gitu keselamatan jadi hasil usaha kita x ya..

1. Si anak bungsu mau balik ke papanya dgn motivasi perut lapar.. At least gua ga mati.. Ih, pekerja d rumah bapa aja makanannya berlimpah, sedangkan gua disini ampas babi haram aja ga dikasih. Yada gua mau minta ampun, n minta jadi budak aja, ga usa jd anak.
2. Wanita Samaria bhadapan dgn sumber air hidup...dia cuma mau sumber airnya dgn motivasi dia ga usa lg susah2 siang2 tengah hari bolong pepanasan ngambil air.
3. Yesus bilang sm org2 yg cari Dia stlh Dia nyebrangin danau Tiberias: lu org cari gua bukan krn mukjizat, tp krn lu uda makan roti.

Bobrok ya... Yes i am fully broken without You. Thank  u Tuhan uda pilih saya... Thank you buat grace, anugrah yg Tuhan taro brikan buat saya. Ajar saya Tuhan utk skrg hidupi hidup yg penuh anugrah ini dgn penuh tanggung jawab. Amin.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Please the Lord

I memorized this verse yesterday and was about texting my friend when I realized that her cellphone was off.
"When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7 ESV"

I almost forgot my plan to share with her when she suddenly texted me that she's one step ahead to her dream. Not saying that she has an enemy or what, but there are a few people who seem not understand her and hinder her from her dream. But yesterday, one of them finally understand her, moreover motivate her to run for it.

She, not a believer yet, said that she talked a lot with Abba the day before. She said that Abba really understands her.
Ow yeah!
When you please the Lord, when you do your part, He will absolutely do His part.
His time, his time, his time...

I'm glad... and also learned something today..


Sunday, July 1, 2012











我手机在食堂附近被偷了。许博都看到了我哭了  没有那个手机我都没跟印尼朋友亲戚发短信了。用小手机打abc很麻烦。结果我的话费少了很多 

有一次做实验冰箱突然坏了。我的鱼也都坏了。  别人用它的时候都不坏呢,为什么我用的时候它坏啊?那我无法只能重新做。不过没关系,因为这个王老师给我更新的冰箱,而且是在我们自己的实验室,不用又麻烦爬来爬去6楼了。everything happens for a reason. Goddesigns it. 我继续学习相信他的安排是最好的。学习不仅是读完书或做完实验,学习也要学到怎么做更好的人,更有智慧、品味的一个人。这样才能给周围的人好影响。


有一次跟俄罗斯朋友打车,司机以为我是中国人。司机很吃惊我那位朋友的汉语说得很好并且说“她也是外国人啊!”。没想到,司机把车停在路边然后看着我并说“不可能!” 现在坐出租车司机虽然还问我“你是外地来的吧?广东的吧?”不过我已经能解释清楚我是华人。 

我朋友说:3年 是一段够的时间使人改变。(3 years is enough to change people).没错儿!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

opening fireworks of Central China Expo

we got laser fireworks shows for 45 minutes at Xiang Jiang, Changsha.

klo kata orang Cina: piaoliang ji le!! tai piaoliang le...
klo kata anak Thai: suaiiii magmaa...suaiii jingjing....
klo kata anak Indo: mangstap!!

mayan lah, buat melepas penat :p

Friday, May 18, 2012

20120519_to lie or not to lie

A friend of mine asked me to tell a lie. Her company will put my name as someone involved in their beverage processing development, I bet they will put my name in their company product profile. 
I've told her not to misuse my name and my status here as a foreigner.
Rather than stop doing it, her company asked the copy of my passport and degree's certificate.

Awalnya sih marah, apa-apaan lu, kenal ga, ketemu aja ga pernah, ko segitu seenak jidat lu aja pake nama gua. semudah itu kah buat lu untuk berbohong? memanfaatkan orang lain untuk kepentingan diri lu sendiri. moral lu dimana? seribu topan badai!!! @#$%^&*!%$#@!

tapi berasa, emosi nih emosi... self control.. the main problem is they are lying. I don't need to be angry because they misuse me. langsung donk cepet2 whatsapp... kesimpulannya: u do ur part, but to judge is not ours. (makanya harus punya komunitas nih, supaya ada yang saling akuntabilitas)

In the evening, after had a meeting my friend came back to me still asking the same thing.
A friend: Lisa, still need your help.
A friend: The one and only bad thing for you is you need to lie
Lisa: what do you want me to do?
A friend: We need your degree certificate (ijasah S1) and your passport
A friend: Will affect you nothing
A friend: It's not bad for you
A friend: Good for our company
Lisa: I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to help you. The principle is: it's not a correct thing to tell a lie, it's a sin. A sin is a sin, every sin has its consequence.
Lisa: I don't lie. God doesn't permit me to tell a lie. This is my base line.

God, maybe it IS not easy. I have never been pushed like that in my job. But I’m glad that I set my mind to be simple and straight. I believe that there’s always a time to do the right thing, time to stand up for the truth.

God, I pray that there will be more people who have courage to say and do what is right. Instead of being selfish, I pray that we will have courage to sacrifice “what is seems to be good for us”.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

kepitingku.. 螃螃 & 蟹蟹

Ni hao, namaku PangPang, capitku yg kiri sangat besar..
Ni hao, namaku XieXie, capit kananku lebih besar, karena aku perempuan..

Senang berkenalan dengan kamu, Xie2..
Renshi ni wo ye hen gaoxing, Pang2..

Beberapa jam kemudian, Xie2 memasuki tahap sekarat karena tertimpa bebatuan selama perjalanan pulang..
Sedangkan Pang2 selalu berusaha keluar dari kotak plastik tempat penampungan sementaranya..

Keesokan paginya, tuan pemilik mengangkat Pang2 dan membiarkan Pang2 berjalan di tangannya. Sayangnya, Pang2 bukan cicak yang bisa menempel dimana saja, Pang2 terjatuh dan seketika itu juga ia kejang2 dan menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya.

Tak lama kemudian, tangan Xie2 terkilir dan putus (lagi2 ulah tuan yang tak berhati2 ini..) beberapa detik kemudian, Xie2 juga menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya..

Walaupun perkenalan kita singkat, wo haishi hen gaoxing renshi ni..

Thursday, March 29, 2012

20120320 The One whom you are actually serving is the Lord Christ

I got a new scholarship from Hunan Provincial Educational Dept.
(singkatnya, the scholarship I got before is from the university, cuma sekolah daftarin gua sbg kandidat penerima beasiswa dari pemerintah provinsi Hunan. Jadi beasiswa yang sekolah dicabut dan diganti dengan beasiswa pemerintah 专门 untuk foreign student).

God, I thank you and I praise Your name. 又是一个没想到的事情。ga pernah kepikiran buat dapet beasiswa laen apalagi uang kaget. hehehe..

pas pergi ke kantor untuk ngambil, ditemenin sama si Sunisa. dari kemaren2nya kita memang lagi bak-bik-buk nulis dia punya thesis. (memang ya hidup gua tu ga bisa jauh2 dari orang model kaya gini...) karena keterbatasan inggrisnya dia, jadi ya harus dibantu nyusun laporannya. dia yg spss, sediain jurnal, sediain makan minum, sampe tukang pijit -- gua yg bikin pembahasan. kita b2 begadang2 terus mpe subuh2. 累得慌。 jadi suka becanda2in dia, eh ini jasa skripsi bayar lo, 500 RMB/hari. mau bayar pake RMB, Baht, USD, Rp juga boleh.. dicicil jg boleh.. 

setelah dapet uang kaget itu, gua langsung tuinkkk inget Kol 3: 23.

Karena apapun yang kamu lakukan, lakukanlah itu sepenuh hati 
seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia
karena dari Dialah kau mendapat upahmu, bukan dari manusia
Kristuslah yang kamu layani”

Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), 
as [something done] for the Lord and not for men
Knowing [with all certainty] that it is from the Lord 
[and not from men] that you will receive the inheritance 
which is your [real] reward. 
[The One Whom] you are actually serving 
[is] the Lord Christ (the Messiah).” (AMP) 

terus kita jadi becanda2... oh ya ya, uda lunas berarti ya.. Tuhan uda bayarin.. hahaha.. 

Setelah merenung2... I feel like he really wants to show me that he rewards me.
我都没报名呢。tapi orang lain yang daftarin, tanpa gua minta bahkan tau. Klo bukan krn ini ada dlm rencananya bapa, gmn caranya coba?
Not that I’m saying I have the right for it, ga lah, even being here has already been a blessing for me. To be chosen as his servant has been a big honor for me. I don’t need anything else, it’s my due, my task. My reward is up there. 
Moreover yah, mengingat2 masa2 di lab taon lalu... Lord, I don't think I deserve it 呢。I don’t always work heartily, I complain a lot. And sometimes I grumble. Masa-masa gagal2nya ngerjain ekstraksi DNA, DGGE. Laoshi yang nyuruh2 terus, 很高要求。有时候觉得很讨厌做实验。哪里还能天天想事事都为上帝做呢?kalo lagi eling aja mikir, apapun spt utk Tuhan.. Wew!

But yet......sertifikat uda di tangan. ga mungkin juga donk gua tolak.. 
I guess, that is what grace is. I get what I don’t deserve. 

:’(      :’)

Lord.., I’m overwhelmed_
Thank You for keep training me_

Saturday, March 24, 2012

20120325 perbedaan itu indah?

kata orang perbedaan itu indah...
hehehe... anggaplah begitu.. :p

24 feb'12... sore itu....
gua -- nongkrong depan laptop belajar hsk.. sambil mules mikirin pembahasan thesis..
neng 语希 -- jalan2 menikmati cerahnya changsha...
(sebenernya gua dlm hati kecil juga pengen pegi... tp ini DGGE menghantui hidupku... /kick!)
mama -- dengan girangnya v.call di skype

ma2: katanya  lagi jalan2 ya? beli kalung..
me: beli anting kali...
ma2: beli kalung ko katanya, sama kutek..
me: heu? kmrn sih belinya anting ya di H&M, ga tau kalo belanja lagi..
ma2: ica ga ikut jalan2?
me (dengan tampang suntuk + rambut acak2an): thesis... belajar.. -_-"
ma2: iiih, jalan2 la..
me: ntr malem aja, mau nonton kembang api

me: anak mama yg itu banyak duitnya.. kmrn dia beli high heels juga..
ma2: o iya iya, dia bilang dia beli.. 
me: pull & bear lg sale
ma2: oooo.....
me: masuk h&m belanja, pull&bear belanja, masuk zara ampir belanja lagi..
ma2: ica beli apa? ga beli apa2? (/zinkk.. kok dia kaya uda tau gitu....!!)
me: beli donk! beli kue.. hahahahhaa..
ma2: LOL!! berbeda jelas ya...

kesian kamu nak, punya kk yang ga bisa dipinjem baju, sepatu, tasnya..
EH!! ga deh!! kamu suka meng-u-til bajuku kan!! ngaku ngaku!!

kesian kamu nak, tiap hari siang malem makan siang kamu yg masak... si kk cm nunggu panggilan doank..

tapi kamu beruntung nak, punya fotografer pribadi! 
dan tukang cuci piring sejati..

/sogok2, /gombal2...
/pasang foto yang bagus..
dgn harapan ntar siang makannya ada dagingnya....

perbedaan itu "nyata" indah.. menyenangkan.. mengasyikan.. saling melengkapi..
kata mama juga apa.. melalui keunikannya berfungsi, dan menjadi teladan..

20120324 Falter

Prov 24:10, if you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.

Word of the day:
Falter = (n) keraguan; (v) terputus-putus, berjalan dengan terhuyung-huyung, lose courage, hesitate, be unsure or weak, walk unsteadily, speak haltingly, move hesitatingly. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Some shots from Borobudur Temple, Jogjakarta

How to get there?
1) Fly from Jakarta with AirAsia (recommended) for Rp 300.000 (USD 35) to Adisucipto airport, Jogjakarta.
2 a) Hire a car (it cost around Rp 500.000 include driver+gasoline for 8 hours).
It takes 45 minutes to go to Borobudur by car from the city. Recommended if you have limited time and want to visit other place like Prambanan temple, Parangtritis beach which is located outside Jogja.
2 b) Or u can take a public bus from Jogjakarta bus station. It will only cost you Rp 9.000

Entrance fee: Rp 30.000 (USD 4)


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

20120321 sakit kepala

They don't care how much u know, until they know how much u care.

and sometime it takes more than just a word to make them know..
it might takes ur time, ur attention..
it might needs a great effort to prove it..

but u don't care if it's for someone u love, do u? :)

utk kamu yg lagi sakit kepala disana,
i'm praying for u..

20120321 Mendengar

Saat orang butuh didengar, 
kita ga mau dengerin...


Kita mau denger,

yang lain...
yang nyenengin telinga kita...
yang muasin hati kita...
yang bikin kita merasa penting..dianggep..berharga...
yang kadang2 belon tentu penting buat kita...

* kemiripan tokoh hanya untuk keperluan dokumentasi saja, :p

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Guangzhou, shopping

There are no many places to visit in Guangzhou. I recommend you to stay in Riverside YHA , a comfy hostel by the riverside of Pearl River.On the opposite side of the river (you can take the local ferry 1,5元) there is a  former foreign quarters called Shamian Island (沙面岛). 

For shopping, you can choose Shangxiajiu Lu 上下九路

 or Beijing Lu 北京路

and One Link Plaza....
I'm not a shopaholic person. So I'm not that good at describing those places. 

When you shop in Guangzhou, you should have a partner who doesn't shop but willing to help you carry your belanjaan. Just don't forget to give them wang lao ji, they are usually happy enough with that.

The easiest way to get around Guangzhou is by Metro, its lines has been widely expanded after 2010 Asian Games. It even connects all the train station and the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. Other public transportation is bus, also very fast if you can understand the Chinese characters. What I not really recommend to go around the city is the taxi. It's more expensive, not easy to get, and the driver usually speaks Cantonese or nonstandard Mandarin which is not very easy to understand unless you are a local.
Besides K, T, Z train, Guangzhou is now connected with big cities by bullet trains (D and G train).
D train (dongche 动车) is bullet train which runs around 250km/h, while G train (gaotie 高铁) is bullet train which runs faster, around 350 km/h. 
With D or G train you can travel from Guangzhou to Changsha (the capital city of Hunan Province) and Wuhan (the capital city of Hubei Province) on WuGuang 武广 lines. Besides that, you can also travel to Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, as well as Hong Kong (Hung Hom station).

Friday, January 20, 2012

2012 01 20_2nd home

Memang temen2 yang kaya gini yg asik,
yang bisa 1000% apa adanya...
mau cuek, marah, debat, ketawa, ngirit, komen, males, semuanya halal!
apa adanya aja..

dari debatin masalah2 hidup...
kerjaan... PH.. pernikahan.. kos, harga rumah...
sampe ngomongin harga es teh yg keterlaluan...
mpe nanya gaji.. haha..
mpe minta sumbangan BB... (ayo donk, tergeraklah hati kalian..)
rencanain liburan, bisnis... dan kado merid... haha..

terima kasih ya teman2!
utk kasih yg menerima dan membangun...

demi bisnis kita bersama! ganbei!